
Şahan Gökbakar Phone Number, Fanmail Address, Email Id and Contact Details

Şahan Gökbakar Şahan Gökbakar

Want to talk to Şahan Gökbakar over the phone number and look for Şahan Gökbakar’s email and fanmail address? Yes, you are in the right place! You are going to get the contact information of Şahan Gökbakar’s phone number, email address, and fan mail address details.


Gokbakar spent his childhood in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, where he attended both elementary and secondary schools that were affiliated with the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ). After his graduation from high school in 1997, he attended the Faculty of Fine Arts at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, to pursue studies in music and visual arts. In a class of 350 students, he graduated in 2002 with a grade point average that placed him fourth overall.

The tragic loss of Gokbakar’s father, who was killed in a car accident when the young man was just eight years old, cast a pall over his childhood. Gokbakar spent his childhood in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, where he attended both elementary and secondary schools that were affiliated with the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ). After his graduation from high school in 1997, he attended the Faculty of Fine Arts at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, to pursue studies in music and visual arts.

In a class of 350 students, he graduated in 2002 with a grade point average that placed him fourth overall. The tragic loss of Gokbakar’s father, who was killed in a car accident when the young man was just eight years old, cast a pall over his childhood. After finishing his education, Gokbakar entered a few contests for promotional opportunities. As a consequence of his success, he was offered the chance to host his own show on TV8, a Turkish satellite television station.

Zibin was the name of his first television program (a Turkish word for “very soft undershirt for a baby”). That was followed by a performance titled “Zoka” (meaning “trap” or “bait”), and eventually a presentation titled “Dikkat Sahan ikabilir” (“Look out: Sahan May Come”), which established him as one of a long line of nationally recognized burlesque comedians dating all the way back to the 19th century.

However, Sahan Gokbakar’s humor is predominately centered on the societal conventions that govern Turkey’s leisure and consumerist classes in the 21st century and the ways in which these conventions conflict with the perspectives of the uneducated outsider who is frequently unaware of such conventions. According to Emrah Güler, a reviewer for the Hürriyet Daily News, Recep Ivedik, the protagonist of the popular film series, enjoyed some moderate fame as the anti-hero in comedian Sahan Gokbakar’s sketch shows, which generated a modest fan group on YouTube.

Ivedik is also the name of the popular film series that he stars in. Gokbakar and his younger brother Togan Gokbakar, who first made his name as a director with some short films and had always shown an interest in working with their older brother, collaborated to turn the character into a cash cow with a series of films. These films proved to be the highest grossing movies in the respective years of their release while also being the most loathed films to come to screens in the minds of critics and intellectuals. Gokbakar and Togan Gokbakar worked together

Ivedik is the ultimate embodiment of incivility in a consumerist age. He is incapable of operating a hotel door key or using its bathroom, but he has an underlying desire to conform to his own naive and outdated conceptions of moral and social rules. Ivedik is used to getting his way everywhere by shouting, raging, and threats of physical violence. Gokbakar only makes a passing reference to the possibility that Ivedik is meant to be seen as a symbol of the conservative forces that are making inroads into the lives of Turkey’s westernized middle classes.

Nevertheless, this reading is not a given. Another way of looking at it is that the primary characteristics of Ivedik are taken from those of characters in the traditional Karagoz shadow puppet performances that are performed throughout Turkey. This film, like Turkish burlesque film comedy extracts, derives its humor — and it is extremely funny for the majority of viewers — from representing a collision between conventional stock-in-trade figures and an outsider who undermines them, rather than from satire.

In other words, it does not have a social message, other than demonstrating that attempts to lead a conventional life are more fragile than they appear and are easily upset by the arrival of an uncivil intruder. Ivedik, despite the fact that he has a black beard and wears eastern clothing (at one point in the movie, he transforms his shower towel into a turban), is more urban than rural.

He has an email account, and he speaks at least a few words of international English. The humor in his behavior stems in large part from the fact that he is not self-aware and is unable to understand how other people respond to him. He stands in stark contrast to Turkish burlesque protagonists from earlier generations of films, who tended to be submissive, physically slight, and to wiggle their way out of difficult situations.

These characters also worked against the backdrop of a society that was significantly less economically developed. There are several additional markers of the changes occurring in society. There is a lot of commotion, violent yelling, horrible behavior, and nasty swearing in “Recep Ivedik,” all of which have never been heard in public in Turkey before. Gokbakar’s performance brings Ivedik to hilarious life, and there is very little or no feeling that the actor is responsible for inventing him.

Şahan Gökbakar Phone Number,Fanmail Address, Email Id and Contact Details
Whatsapp No.NA
Youtube Channel
Snapchat NA
Phone Number
Official WebsiteNA
Office NumberNA
Office addressNA
Linked InNA
House address (residence address)İzmir, Türkiye
Email Address NA

Şahan Gökbakar Fanmail Address

Şahan Gökbakar

Incoming search terms: Şahan Gökbakar real phone number 2023, Şahan Gökbakar WhatsApp number, Şahan Gökbakar fanmail address, Şahan Gökbakar fan mail, Şahan Gökbakar email, Şahan Gökbakar address, Şahan Gökbakar phone number

Şahan Gökbakar Phone Number 2023- This post contains a phone number, house address, Fan mailing address to request autographs, and send fan mail letters to Şahan Gökbakar. If you want to get an autograph from Şahan Gökbakar, you can send your handwritten letter to the above address (with a size of 8.5 x 4 inches.) Please wait up to 3 months. If there is no reply, resend your letter or exchange it with another address.

How can you send a celeb fan mail or a signature request?

Follow the instructions and criteria below to request an autograph from your favorite celebrities by sending a fan mail.

1st step

If you live in the United Kingdom or the United States, include your request letter, a photo or poster, and a properly stamped and self-addressed envelope.

(Envelopes should be 8.5″ x 4″ in size.)
2nd Step

If you do not live in the United Kingdom, you must purchase a British stamp.

3rd step

You can include a piece of cardboard to keep the photo from bending during mailing by writing “Do Not Bend” above the envelope sent.

4th step

Send your letter to your favorite celebrity at the mentioned address and wait.

5th step

Responses sometimes take a long time to arrive. An answer would take three to five months on average, or perhaps longer.

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